Monday, April 7, 2008

I don't come in a decaf version

My caffeine addiction is slowly spiraling out of control, and I find that when I deprive myself of the joy and love that is found in some sort of diet drink, my head wreaks havoc upon the rest of my body. That's probably not good, huh? Anyway, these are things racing through my caffeinated head this Monday morning.

1. During the desperation I felt Saturday night watching the Carolina-Kansas game, there was one bright spot, albeit a very important one. Somewhere, some wonderfully talented camera man panned over the Dean Dome and found a banner that said "Take everthing. Give up nothing." That is my new mantra, my motto for life. Take everything. Give up nothing. A little bit it makes me sound like I'm going to shoplift, but actually it means that world domination is not quite as far away as I thought. Fabulous.

2. It rained the entire time during our trip to Morehead City. This did not stop us from consuming large amounts of fish and stocking up on seafood to cook at home. It did stop us from going over the causeway and wandering around on the beach. Very sad.

3. In other news from Morehead City, we went to the "PERSIST" conference, which was basically a day-long training session on how to retain and graduate some students. The "training team" was comprised of all these TRiO directors and some chick who used to be a Senior VP at NBC Universal and Lorimar Pictures. Explain that one to me. Bizarre connection. I wanted to ask her how come she didn't work for them anymore, and if she still had connections that would get "Chuck" back on the air sooner, but I didn't.

4. Brian thinks it's strange, and maybe it is, but I can't stand whistling. It grates on my nerves, it rattles my insides, it makes my ears quiver. And right now, as I'm typing, some jackass down the hall is whistling. I think the caffeine makes it worse...

5. I read "The Appeal" and "Compulsion" this weekend. Quality stuff, though "The Appeal" had a rotten ending.

Happy Monday to all, and to all a I'm off to pretend as though I like my job and my boss juuuuust fine, thank you.


Jill said...

Giving up diet coke has about been the end of me in pregnancy!!!! And the Tarheels, oh the agony of it.....CAL said he has never heard so many bad things come out of my mouth before. What can I say - I'm passionate about basketball....

Elizabeth Baker said...

Amen, sister!