Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Edit: I just Googled "bletiquette" and now I see that Susan isn't the first to come up with that word. However, I still think that she is the greatest of all time.

It's a new word. I can't take credit for it, but Susan can. "Bletiquette" hereafter refers to the etiquette of blogging, for both bloggers and readers. Here's how the convo went:

Susan: "Yeah, I saw that on your blog! Can people respond to that?"

Me: "Sure. You can leave comments, or email me."

Susan: "Ohhhh...because I don't know the etiquette for blogging. The "bletiquette!"

Me: "Great word. I love it when you can combine two words like that."

Susan: "Sometimes, when my students, like 2 or 3 of them, sit together, I combine their names. Like Heather and Brittany are Hittany. Or Breather."

Me: "That's such a great idea! Like Brangelina."

Susan: "Absolutely, like Brangelina. Or bletiquette. I love that."

See, Susan's like my girl soulmate. Sometimes we talk about how we're the same person, just born a few years apart. She's an awesome mom, and the kind I hope to be should, you know, that ever happen. (Ex: She recently said that the biggest parenting mistake she has made is letting her 13 year-old watch "Knocked Up." Priceless!) Plus, she's super smart and really aggressive but not in an obnoxious way. And she loves to talk a lot, but what she has to say is important! Or at least, it's important to me.

So basically I think that if I were to have a big sister that I got along with, she'd be it. Susan's the kind of friend that really and truly doesn't care about the size of your dust bunnies, because probably hers are bigger. She's the kind of friend that will show up with large grocery bags and say that while she didn't have time to cook for you, it doesn't mean she wasn't thinking of you. And she's the kind of friend that makes up fun words, with a serious face, and will probably use those words in class tomorrow.

If you don't have one of these friends, you should get one, posthaste. (Also a fun word.) And then you should make ample opportunities for the both of you to get together and discuss the ways in which you are alike, smart, and ready to dominate the world with your powers.

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