Saturday, January 5, 2008


I am proud to say that it is now the 5th day of the new year, and so far, my number one resolution has been number one on my mind. I have organized and organized and organized (and still have about two tons of paper to go through before I'm done) and feel good about my progress. But on the grand scale of grand resolutions, isn't organization as cliché as losing weight? Or getting more sleep? Or quitting...something?

Of course those are all on my list. But what about becoming resolute about something "new?"

10. I resolve to watch at least one (1) presidential debate before the election in November. Even if I have to wake myself up with a bucket of cold water, and even if the Breck Girl has a bad hair day.

9. I resolve to not give in to any and every whim of the animals I live with. Charlie is not a baby; just because he cries doesn't mean he's hungry. Does it?

8. I resolve to get ahead in my schoolwork, and not be scared of Dr. Henze. Even though he's scary and uses really big words that I don't understand, I still resolve to read ahead and ask dumb questions.

7. I resolve to balance the checkbook at least every two days. I have become somewhat famous at work for bringing in a metal spike that holds two months worth of receipts that must be sorted through. I look like the cashier at Mel's Diner on a busy Sunday morning.

6. I resolve to at least look like I'm interested when Brian starts in on some long story about an article he read in the Wall Street Journal.

5. I resolve to really enjoy turning 30. I think it will be fun, no matter what I do, and I think I should look at 30 as a privilege. So I shall.

4. I resolve to become more interested in the lives of my friends. I used to be good at this; I've slacked off. However, I also resolve to become less interested in Facebook and MySpace.

3. I resolve to visit at least one of my out-of-town friends at least once this year. And Raleigh doesn't count.

2. I resolve to say no to some things this year. It's hard and I don't like it, but Mom never said life was fair.

1. I resolve to still sleep good at night, and perhaps nap good during the day, even if I don't accomplish a single thing on this list. After all, who really stays organized, loses that weight and quits whatever it was they were going to quit, all year long?

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