Friday, February 29, 2008

Friday Quickie

Ok, so here's what I've got for this Friday afternoon.

1. I love 2-hour lunches. All lunches should be two hours, and they should all involve shopping.

2. My new favorite blog of all is Stuff White People Like. No matter the color of your skin, this thing is hilarity taken to a whole new level. Read the Hip Hop entry and tell me it's not true. You'll be lying your ass off.

3. Tonight, I'm going to Rum Runner's and after, according to Heather, "out for some good dancing" (said in her completely adorable American-cum-British dialect). I think I've forgotten how to go out, and I'm pretty sure I'll be wasted at 7:30, because that's where my tolerance stands.

4. Alaina Whitaker was wearing my Kenneth Jay Lane earrings Wednesday night on American Idol. I know this because I tried to order them from Bag, Borrow or Steal and there's a waitlist. I can only imagine that I'm waiting for them because she was wearing them. And she got booted! What a waste of good jewelry that could've been worn out tonight.

5. Song of the day, stuck in my head until I hear something better: "Oh baby got what I nee-eed...but you say he's just a say he's just a friend..." Biz Markie. I love you and I love that you made the Hip Hop Songs White People Love top 10.

Monday, February 25, 2008

He's Baaack...Oscar, That Is

Happy Birthday, Oscar! In case you fell asleep before the 4-hour show was over, Oscar turned 80 last night! The stars were out in show, the dresses were hot and couture and amazing and where, oh where, can I find someone to distract Sarah Larson while I steal George Clooney from her? We watched Michael Clayton Saturday night in anticipation, and my love for him is still strong, despite the age and miles between us. *Sigh* In celebration of the 80th anniversary, there were clips of "80 Years of Oscar" throughout the show...the only one that interested me was the rundown of each year's Best Picture winner...and I'm proud? to say I've seen 30 of the 80 films. Not too bad, considering that's one Best Picture for every year of my life. Jennifer Garner was smoking hot, which I'm so glad for since she normally is mommy-geared to the hilt. Jessica Alba went from a little bit pregnant to ready-to-pop last night and Heidi Klum might be the most gorgeous person to walk the earth. Aside from George, of course, who really is doing himself a grave disservice by dating a Vegas cocktail waitress. Really. Oh, and kudos to Jon Stewart, who wasn't overtly comical but, as every host should, faded into the background and tried to pass the hours with a few good jokes.

In other news, Mom and I went down to the big metropolis of Clinton on Saturday, inevitably got lost trying to find a fabric store, and wound up spending far too much money on things we didn't need. One happy note: I found all the birthday gifts I need for Nieces Birthday Season, which officially begins in March. There are six. Whew. Also, BB and I rented Rendition (along with Michael Clayton) and I have to say, those are two of the best films I've seen recently. Both are very serious and dramatic, but super-good and totally worth it. Sometimes it's surprising to see movie actors outside of their roles, but none so shocking to me as poor Tilda Swinton. Boy.

And finally, TRiO Day is over! By the numbers, we had 63 students, 2 alumnae speakers, 3 vice-presidents, 4 James Sprunt guests, 70 faculty and staff and just enough slices of cheesecake to cover the crowd. I gave myself a huge pat on the back for not allowing my 7th annual TRiO Day to collapse around me despite the 30 extra people that showed, and took Friday afternoon off to show myself some appreciation. If you don't toot your own horn, who will?

Tip for the day: Those sticky strips of rubbery stuff that are supposed to anchor rugs to the floor don't really work on furniture, particularly if you're trying to dissuade your feline friends from using your fine nice new chairs as scratching posts. If anyone has a better idea, I'm all ears.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

If it's only Tuesday, how come it feels like Friday?

Actually, it doesn't feel like Friday, it feels like it should be Friday. Several things that have come across my radar in the last few days:

1. The new line-up for Dancing With the Stars is out. Priscilla Presley. 'Nuff said.

2. My friend sent out the requisite "we're-so-excited-'cause-we're-pregnant" email. I love her, but she signed it "Pregsie Megsie." Honestly.

3. My other friend Ali had a baby girl this weekend. That makes the score Bakers-0 babies, Friends-10,000. A losing score I'm okay with.

4. Apparently Ty Lawson's ankle has a mind of its own, and it doesn't want to play ball. I took sports medicine in high school. Can I help?

5. TRiO Day is Thursday. It's the day that we celebrate our program and our students, blah blah blah. I love the day, really I do, but not when I'm in charge of it and not when I have a workshop to do and two night classes to teach. There are 120 people coming. Feed them and they will come.

6. I read up on nocturnal cats. The circles under Brian's eyes are going to need makeup soon, because Lucy's business hours are 1am-5am. According to my notes, we have to wake her up everytime she's sleeping and play with her til she collapses. What about me? What if I collapse?

7. Kristen is back from Mexico, where she participated in Tequila Bingo and Coconut Bowling. What I'm wondering is whether you have to be in Mexico to play Tequila Bingo. Sounds like a fun Saturday night in SmithVegas to me! Although, Mexico also sounds like a fun Saturday night to me.

8. Speaking of fun, there are only 3 takers for the Bahamas cruise on May 30. Wanna go? As long as you take baths on a regular basis, you can be my roommate. I snore, though. Ask Carrol.

9. Eleven people came to my workshop today. That's up from two at the beginning of January. Does that mean my approval rating is going up? I sure hope so.

10. Tomorrow is hump day. I've never liked this term. The implication, of course, is that we should all be humping, but the only person I know who humps is my dad's dog. Why can't they come up with a better word? This sounds like that horrible cell phone commercial: "When you don't have to worry about how much you're spending on your monthly plan, you're free to talk about...other things."

I wish I could say that I'm finished with my random ramble, but I'm not. I have class tonight. Expect more where this came from.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Why I Love My Husband

In the spirit of Valentine's Day (disclaimer: I've always thought this day was a crock of hooey), I've decided to sing the praises of Brian, who puts up with more crap than any husband ever should. In a nice long convo with my BFF Alissa yesterday, we discussed how hard it is (especially, apparently, in Los Angeles, where boys are jerks and only want Barbies) to find someone nice, normal and somewhat responsible. I'm not quite sure what I did to deserve this, or when it will come back to bite me in the ass, but I've found that person and have managed to keep him for almost seven years now. It's remarkable, really, when you consider how many people there are in the world and how few of those actually know you. And then when you narrow that small list down to the people who not only know you, but will also put up with you, it seems like quite a miracle to find love.

But I have.

In case you don't know the story, Brian was the childhood friend of my college friend, Cady. They were prom dates once, and since their parents were such good friends, Brian and his parents wound up at an anniversary party for Cady's parents in 2001. The party was at the beach, and I, one whose love for the beach is endless, took Cady up on her offer to come for that weekend and attend the party. I did, met Brian and his parents, and never looked back. It was almost instantaneous and we've been inseparable ever since.

The reasons I love Brian have changed over the years, as most reasons do. In the beginning, I loved that he was a Southern gentleman who treated his mother like a queen and loved his father enough to call him "Daddy" out in public. I loved that he opened car doors for me, called my mother ma'am, and followed me around as I partied with girlfriends I knew he didn't care for. I loved how much he loved me, and that sometimes his feelings made him cry (like the time his chocolate lab died). Mostly, I loved that Brian's family was first in his life (well, maybe second after me) because my family is first in my life. It's hard to find someone who understands that above all, your family is yours and you shouldn't take that for granted.

I still love all those things about him, but now, I love Brian for his strength. He was solid as a rock when his dad passed away after our wedding. He knew it was coming, he cried for days on end when it happened, and yet he still stood strong and was the man his mother needed in the months after. He works like a Trojan for his company, which treats him as if he were expendable, and rarely complains. He tirelessly supports me in my efforts to conquer all things Community College and in my neverending quest to earn a master's degree. He grocery shops (yes, even for um, feminine products). He knows when I've had enough and tells me to plop on the couch while he does the dishes. He loves children and knows that he wants us to have a little girl who looks like me one day.

In short, Brian isn't perfect. Our marriage isn't perfect, but it's ours. We work hard on it, we stumble often and we know that it takes effort and compromise from both of us to make it work. Above all, we know that we can depend on one another - which is great, because we both know we couldn't make it by ourselves.

So, for what it's worth, happy Valentine's Day, Brian. I love you more today than I thought I ever could. You sometimes make me mad, you most definitely make me crazy, and you are my dream come true.

My funny valentine

Here's to you, dear Lissy - my promise to post this weekend. I expect an email from you shortly giving me a detailed list of job possibilities in the Raleigh area and when you plan to take advantage of them!

So, hi to the rest of you that wandered here and are reading this (I imagine you are few and far between). It's been an interesting month or so since last I posted. Here are the highlights in no particular order:

1. We made new friends! We love Heather and Glenn and are grateful they "get" us. So many people don't.
2. The new green chairs in my den look marvelous with the new pillows. A little bit I feel like a decorator, though I certainly am not.
3. Now I teach a class on Tuesday and Thursday nights. It's...interesting. I'm not the biggest fan of the other instructor but I'm a HUGE fan of my students.
4. My toughest student so far, the one that's driven me to the edge time and again, gave me a yellow rose for Valentine's Day. Sweet, unexpected and a great big pick-me-up.
5. I helped sell Krispy Kremes as a fundraiser for the Staff Association. If I never see another donut in my entire life, it will be too soon.
6. I got a new laptop! The Student Services VP wanted a new one to travel with and needed to unload her "old" one (it's like maybe a year old and it's the swivel-screen tablet kind) so I volunteered. It's pretty and wonderful and I love it.
7. I am now a true blue member of Bag, Borrow or Steal. I think it might change my life.

More to come...but never let it be said that I don't keep my promises!